Guild of Information Networks


Common principles

The guild’s common principles are intended as a guideline for everyday interactions in the guild and its events, and they apply regardless of a person’s background, characteristics, or degree of intoxication.


Respect the boundaries of others. Give others space and remember everyone’s right to physical integrity. Pay attention to word choices and keep in mind the diversity of guild members and other event attendees. You are allowed to ask for space and time, if something does not feel good. Appreciate the volunteers and their contribution to the guild – they work for our community. Also, be sure to respect the environment by cleaning up after yourself.

Be open

Meet new topics and people with an open mind. Take oncoming things and situations as an opportunity to learn new things and develop. The feelings, thoughts, and views of others are valuable, so they are worth listening to and taking into account, even if they are not immediately understood.

Ask, don’t assume.


Athene has zero tolerance for harassment. If you witness harassment or other inappropriate treatment, do not remain a bystander. Address the situation immediately if you feel it is safe to intervene. If necessary, ask a friend, harassment liaison, or event organiser for help.
If you are harassed or treated inappropriately, you can always ask the harassment liaisons or the event organiser for help in resolving the situation.

Harassment and misconduct can be difficult to identify at the time of the incident. What happened can also be discussed afterwards.


Listen and encourage guild members as well as other people, but don’t pressure them. Take care of your friend. Remember to say thank you. In the event of a mistake, be sure to apologise and ask what you could have done differently. Be aware of the importance of your own actions to the comfort of others, and strive to spread an accepting and encouraging atmosphere around you.


Enjoy your time at Athene. Mistakes happen to everyone, and you can learn from each of them.